Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Help me get back to working out....

I need a reminder about exercise. It is so far out of my routine right now, and i have to work it back in. Honestly, I intend to do it. Then when I get a day off it goes right out the window and I forget because I have so much other stuff to do. But I WANT to do it.....I NEED to do it.....I HAVE to do it. I am realistic and know I will not do it EVERY day (dang 12 hour shifts), but I am ready to start with 3x's a week. I need someone....or several call and or text me once a day and ask me if I have done a work out or walk or something. Any volunteers??


nance said...

I am in! I will call you.

Unknown said...

I'm on it! You are awesome. You can TOTALLY do 3x a week. Calling you will help remind me.