Donald and Scott ran in the Las Vegas Ragnar Relay this year. But they didn't just do a Ragnar they did a 6 man Ultra Team! HOW AWESOME! They both did GREAT! I don't know Scott's time. But Donald ran a total of 22 miles in 3 hrs and 22 minutes! I was so glad I got to go as a driver and learn the ropes of how the Ragnar works. I had SO much fun.
Scott starting out the race.
Donald cruisin up this really steep hill on the HOTTEST day.
Night time exchange. Last run for Donald as Scott finishes his last run.
Kendall, Donald, Scott, Brice, Nick, Jamie

From this experience I learned that... We CAN do this! And It is going to be FUN! But we have to train hard and not slack. The only thing that will make you have a bad time is if you are not ready. The main thing is that you have to be comfortable with running an hour at a time. Don't worry too much about speed at this point because we are not trying to break any records here. I just want everyone to realize that this race will take a lot of endurance. So when you train, work on lengthening your running times. Get comfortable running distances. REALLY comfortable. And February will be a piece of cake (sort of).
...and don't forget to give 120%.
Donald and Scott - you are so awesome!! That is an accomplishment! I can't wait for Feb! :)
As Shannon says, "train, train, train". I know I am a long way from there (February) but as I train I see the endurance gradually increasing. We can do it.
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