Thursday, July 29, 2010

my weigh in

Okay so this was a good week for me. Well actually a great week. After my up week last week i paid better attention to the amount of food I was eating. I stopped before I was stuffed and waited to see if I was really hungry or not. It worked.

last week 255.6

This week 253.2

that is 2.4 lbs! oh man that feels sooooo goooood. Now I just want to keep it up!

see you next week!


Unknown said...

I talked to Donald and we both agreed it would be fantastic if you wanted to borrow our tread mill for a while. We like it so we would only want to loan it to you ;) But you may use it if you think it will help you get that goal!
Lets figure out how to get it to you.

nance said...

WOW guys! seriously? Thank you so much! I will text you.

Mom/Grandma said...

Nancy, that rocks. can't wait to see you. Keep it going.