Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shannon's Still Here!

I'm still here. I haven't given up. Although a part of me wants to some times. That is mostly because of my stomach problems. I'm in pain for the most part of every day and for the other part, I'm so nauseous. It has been hard for me to go to the gym consistently. The last 2 times I went, I had to leave the class to go emergency number 2 in the bathroom. That's not fun for me. I can't go anywhere with out worrying that by bum is going to explode. So the results from the colonoscopy and endoscopy came back, and I am devastated. Not because they found something wrong with me but because they DIDN'T. That was what I was afraid of. Well he did find that I have a stomach ulcer, and hemorrhoids. The ulcer could be the cause of the abdominal pain and the hemorrhoids could be the cause of the blood in my stools but neither could cause the diarrhea for 6 months. SO now I have to change my diet to eliminate fructose(he's guessing because I already know I'm not allergic to it) and we are going to re-run some stool cultures I did in February. I feel like I will never figure out what is going on, just like with migraines. I have no faith in doctors. I am afraid I will just have to go on living like this forever, just like with migraines, and it makes me so sad. 

ANYWAY.... Back to the matter at hand... Weight loss. I have gained unfortunately. I am back to my starting weight. 238. (Just icing on the cake right now) So I am kicking in into higher gear. I gotta take it to a higher level if I wanna see any weight loss. I guess my body is angry with me. So I started doing P90X. (Thank you Chad!) I didn't think I could do it because I have the gym membership but I am doing both. I really enjoy the classes at the gym and I can double up. I am on my 3rd day of P90X and I'm feeling great so far. I like the structure. I sure was sore the first day though. And I get migraines every time so I have to do them in the evening, but it'll work. I think I am gonna get some results!
I heard Dixie and James are doing it?! I wonder how they are doing? Kevin is going to do it too.
If anyone would like me to get you a copy of the discs, I'd be happy to.

Love, Shannon


M'Liss said...

Sorry to hear of your health issues. Addison is still battling hers as well. Sometimes no answers are harder than getting answers.
I have heard all sorts of things about PX90 but have no idea what it is. Right now I try to walk two miles every morning but I need to step it up to continue losing. I have lost about 50 pounds in the last 4 months. Wish it came off faster but I guess it took many years to gain them. I would love a copy of the PX90 CDs. I am interested to see what it is all about. Good luck with the new diet and hope you get some relief from your stomach trouble with it.

TeamAumua said...

Oh, Shannon you are my hero!! I love you!! You are a very strong person!! I dont know how you do it! Lets go to the gym =)

Unknown said...

HOLY CRAP! M'Liss I would be so happy about 50 lbs in 4 months! That is KICK BUTT! You should post your story on here and post for us every week so we can all be inspired by you!!! I need your email address so I can invite you. I'll try to find it.
I will get you a copy of P90X pronto. :)
Keep up the good work girl!

nance said...

Shannon, I love you too! I miss you, I feel like it has been ages since I last saw you.

Mom/Grandma said...

Let me know if there is anything I can do....