Thursday, October 14, 2010

It has been 3 weeks since I weighed in at 251.6
Today I weighed at 252.2

I was up .6 but I thought it would be much worse.

I am glad to be where I am. I have not been able to use the treadmill because I hurt my foot so I have not lost any hope for a better week next weigh in!

See you all then.


Unknown said...

You can do it Nancy! Count those points! I have found that canned soup is awesome! Only 2 points and it's very filling. Also I like the pre-cut salmon fillets from walmart. They are only 2 points. And the steamable asparagus with spray butter- no points. AND you gotta try the Clear American sparkling water! They are on the water aisle at walmart for only .68 for a liter! They taste like regular soda and are not as acidic.

nance said...

Good suggestions. I have been eating canned soup for lunch almost this whole week. I Think I will try that water. It sounds interesting. I will pick some up this weekend.

Mom/Grandma said...

I love to see the excitement. And the shared suggestions are awesome. I won't have a good week...Las Vegas :(. But I will do better this week.