Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's gonna work...

Hi I'm Shannon. I know I know I asked everyone to be brave and post no matter what. I admit I kinda gave up. Not on loosing weight but on posting about it. I guess I felt like I was going no where each week and I feel pathetic. I'm not going to moan about migraines or stomach pains any more (my stomach is getting much better thanks to NO FRUCTOSE).

So... It's time to get with it. Suzi convinced me to try Weight Watchers. I am so leery, because I'm stubborn and think that I can do it with out some one telling me what to do. But she promises me it will work. And truthfully, I can't do it by myself. So I am giving WW a try and so far... I love it. It's easy. But we will see next week if it works, because I am following it to a T.

I weigh 241. Yeah WOW!

From this...

To this!


Mom/Grandma said...

You can do it. I know you can. I have lots o fInfo because I went to 10 meetings to learn all I could. If you want to get one tip book a week I will be happy to share.

nance said...

Shannon, That is awesome! Are you going to meetings, or doing the online program? I can go to meetings with you if that is how you are doing it. Oh yeah and don't get too comfortable with the program. it is scheduled to change in a month or so.

Unknown said...

I'm just counting points like Suzi and mom taught me how. I don't think I will go to meetings. We are poor. ;)

nance said...

I hear you. I only go because my work pays for it.