Thursday, September 11, 2008



Our new runners are going to come down from Colorado. They wanted a kick in the pants to get moving and this is it! I'm so excited!

So now we have:


And more that haven't commited yet but are going run with us :)

Lets make sure we talk to each other about work outs and get going NOW! We can't afford to wait til tomorrow. If you wait til tomorrow it will sneak up on you and it will be 2010 Feb.

"You may be on the right track, but if you just sit there you'll get run over. " - Paul H. Dunn


Shari D. Kurtz said...

Sounds really fun. I wish I could join you. I've never been a runner...more of an asthmatic. At least that's my excuse. Maybe I'll start running for fun and see if I can do it. I do have running shoes. They should be used. Good luck with it. I'm very impressed!

Hunters said...

I guess you're not reading the older comments, but I'll committ. You only have room for one more and I'll take it (unless you are going to have two teams but I wouldn't reccommend that - past experience).

I'll be runner 1, 6, or 7. Are we really planning for 2010? That's a long time for people to committ. I'd prefer 2009, but I'll do 2010 too.


Unknown said...

We would LOVE for you to run with us! We need your strength. And yeah, I know we will have more than 12 we will need more than 12 at this point because by the time the race comes around people will be injured or pregnant or drop out. The reason for 2010 is... most of us that are doing this are stepping COMPLETELY out of our comfort zone and have never ran before. So we need a lot of training. It's a lot of hard work to go from a big fatty that never runs to running 5 miles 3 times in 24 hours. So if you can be patient and give us some of your best advice on how to train? That would be AWESOME!

P.S. Another good reason we're not doing it this year is 2 of my sisters who really want to run with us are pregnant and want a chance to have their babies and train.

Hunters said...

OK, great.

I'm doing the DC one in 2 weeks. Runner 7.

You are right about people cancelling.

LUCKY7 said...

We should also start recruiting people to watch kids. There will be 12 just from the Moores Gustins Aumuas and Dalys. The Torbets also have kids.