Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shannon is still here...

I know, I know... I'm kinda the leader of this Blog and I have been MIA. And I don't really have an excuse other than shame. I am not loosing any weight, in fact,  I have gained :(
I'm at 237...
I have become discouraged because I don't see the results when I'm working for them. So when I was counting my calories and working out 4 times a week I was not loosing any weight so I stopped counting my calories. I gave up. Like I always do. But I'm not really giving up. I'm going to stick to it even if I am not loosing weight.

What really shook me up was that I looked at my goal chart and I realized that if I had stuck to my goals each week, I could have lost 36 lbs by now. I would feel SO MUCH better if I was -36lbs. So I can't give up.

I WILL loose at least 2 lbs a week!!!!

Love, Shannon


nance said...

Shannon, I am so proud of you for posting again. I know how hard it is to not see results. My down 10lbs puts me exactly at the weight that I started WW 2 years ago. I was down to 240 at one point but then I stoped seeing results so I stoped tracking and trying and I gaind 20 lbs. So now I am back where I started.I never would have gotten there with out your support and encouragement and this blog. I love you and will do what I can to support you. Let me know what would help best. You CAN do this.

Mom/Grandma said...

I am rooting for you....