Friday, June 4, 2010

Shannon's Week 5 Weigh in

I'm still at 233.

Just thought I'd come right out with that. I'm trying to stay positive. I feel like I'm doing everything right. I'm going to the gym, I went 4 times this week. I had 2 days that I ate to many calories but I didn't have an excess I just broke even. The thing that got me really down is that I know I'm struggling so I had thoughts of "well I'm just going to not eat today and I will loose 2 lbs for the weigh in tomorrow" Then after I skipped a meal I feel awful and guilty. I don't know if I will ever stop fighting these feelings.
Donald gave me some really encouraging words last night and I feel a lot better. I am doing great! I feel great, I love going to the gym and I love the way it makes me feel. I can't give up and I am not doing anything wrong. He's so nice to have around sometimes. ;)

1 comment:

nance said...

Shannon, It's is never an easy thing to change your mental thought process, But I know that you can do this! I love you Shannon. Kep moving forward. you will overcome this.
Donald, Thank you for loving and taking care of my baby sister. I am so glad that you are a part of our family.