Thursday, June 3, 2010

Suzi's week 10

Last Week = 221 lbs

This week = 219 lbs

Down 2 more lbs =)

Total weight loss = 18 lbs in 10 weeks

49 lbs to go to my goal! (that's a LOT)


It doesn't seem real when I step on the scale every week and the number gets smaller. I'm excited that my hard work is paying off!! I have a long way to go I said, it feels great!!!

Work hard and loose weight man, that's all you gotta do. Work hard and loose weight =)

Love Down-sizing Suzi


Unknown said...

Holy crap! You are right! I think I'm not working hard enough. You are my inspiration right now.

Mom/Grandma said...

Way to go Susan. I can see it. Shannon, you are working hard enough. You will see it start to drop when you get over the "wall".