Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ummm.....I got 50 lashes with a wet noodle for not posting...

Well, here is an update...which consists of kind of NOTHING and kind of SOMETHING.

The NOTHING is because I have not lost any weight....I am at a stand still.

I am at a stand still partly because of the SOMETHING. With Shannon's help, I found out about an audition for a weight loss TV show (just so you are not wondering...No, it is not Biggest Loser, and no, it is not Losing It with Jillian - but it is the same production company and executive producer as Biggest Loser). I went sort of last minute to the audition or casting call or interview or whatever you want to call it on May 29th. They told me that it would be a couple of weeks before I heard anything back from them....but 5 days later, I had an email requesting a LONG application, and a 30 minute video of my day-to-day activities that were harder because of my weight. I guess I made it through round 1 of call backs!! I WAS SO EXCITED!! Shannon, mom, Nancy, my kids, and my Sis-in-law all helped with the video project. The more I worked on the project, the more EXCITED I became....I would really LOVE LOVE LOVE it if I could make it on the show....really life changing!!!

The video is 30 minutes long, and I think it turned out well....but it is kind of hard for me to watch. Not really used to focusing on and purposly showing and talking about my body and the things that are hard for me because of it - I am usually trying to ignore/cover up/minimize/avoid those parts of my days. And lets face it, we are talking about ME here, so you can imagine the amount of tears I shed making it and watching it back and editing it and.....well you get the idea. No tricks there....those tears were REAL....hope they can see that on the tape.

They have had my tape and application for a week now. I am just waiting to hopefully hear back from them......SOON I HOPE!!!

This is a new show, that will be on ABC next year. It is not a contest show, there is no voting off, and no money prize at the end. They are looking for people who need to lose 200lbs or more. For this show, they film for a year, and they send the trainer and the food coaches, you!! You stay in your own house, working your real job, living your real life as they help you. Seems much more realistic to me.

Keep up the good work everyone, and I'll keep you posted on the status of the show.



Unknown said...

I am on pins and needles! I need to know now!!!! ;)
I'm so proud of you for even doing the things we did for the video. I know you were out of your comfort zone and that is not easy for you or anybody. You are stronger than you know. And no matter what happens... you can do this.

Mom/Grandma said...

Ditto for what she said.