Sunday, June 13, 2010


I competed in my first triathlon yesterday. It was awsome. My weight loss has been stagnet while I trained for the Highline Hustle. I am holding tight at about 207 lbs. I think I will take a week off from formal exercise and start P90X again in one week. My next goal is to do a olympic triathlon in September. It is a .9 mile swim (the hardest part) 24 mile bike, and 6 mile run. I would love to have some of you come up and do it with me.

If you want to see some photos of the race, check out our blog. I also posted some of them on facebook. Keep working hard. Life is getting better and better. I feel like I am about 22 years old. The hard work is worth it. Good luck


Unknown said...

You are amazing Chad!!! I want to do a triathlon so bad!!! I don't think it's in the cards for me until I can figure out what to do about my headaches. It's always been a dream of mine. I'm so into that stuff. Although I don't really know how to swim fast or bike. :)
You are an inspiration!

Mom/Grandma said...

Way to go Chad. How do you find time to train working out of town an dall? WOW to you!